Interwoven’s Media Bin Case study for Ford Motor Company
The Ford Division is the largest division of Ford Motor Company. ? Ford produces thousands of brand assets and images of its products that are essential to brand integrity and are used in hundreds of events, brochures, presentations, and Web sites. ? Ford Division’s content requirements were accelerating–more content was needed at a faster rate and the needs for control were more urgent than ever. ? The rate of change of the content was also accelerating, requiring greater change management, better brand control, and an overall reduction in cost and redundancy. ? Ford Implemented Interwoven MediaBin digital asset management system to better manage its high value brand assets and product photography. ? With MediaBin, the Ford Division has saved over$1.8 million per year through productivity gains, asset repurposing, tighter brand control, elimination of CD-ROM creation, Web-based ad agency self-service, and better search/retrieval.