Site icon ProVideo Coalition

Data for target groups

Organize media data systematically and exchange them to target-groups.
Civil service are turning to the public for their e-government strategy in an increasing way. Formats, files etc. which have been stored till date exclusively on a file server have to be processed now for the internet and should be made available to the public. Picturepark reduces the complexity of document administration. Data can be managed in a structured way, converted into other file formats and published directly on your website in different languages and formats.

Scientific institutions often require a system for storing some of their data in a systematic way and to make some other data available for the media in a professional way. Often it is necessary to digitalize historic documents to make them available for efficient use. We can undertake this job for you together with our specialist associates.

Cultural centers have to efficiently communicate with the outside world and should be able to supply the relevant information to the media agencies: Images, biographies as PDFs and extracts from audio and video data – all data related to an event. Picturepark facilitates the exchange of media data and with the click of the mouse, it is possible to publish the required information on the Web.

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