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E-Signatures Transform a Tortoise into a Hare

Image via Wikipedia

E-Signatures Transform a Tortoise into a Hare – .

In an economy that demands efficiency, it’s more important than ever for companies to find new ways to speed up operations and sales transactions. For several years, software-as-a-service (SaaS) has been offering the promise of better, cheaper, faster, and more reliable applications than companies can manage themselves. SaaS started with core CRM applications, but it is now broadening its scope, enabling enterprises to implement a variety of best practices company-wide. One such best practice is in the signature acquisition process, which has long been a huge and expensive headache for most companies. Smart companies have discovered e-signatures as a means to be more efficient, cut costs, and provide more flexibility in how they manage their businesses.

The Sense (and Cents) of E-Signatures

Prior to SaaS, various software packages, and resulting best practices, within an organization were often found in siloed pockets or departments. They often did not transcend across an entire organization due to expensive software costs or lengthy implementations. Typically, SaaS offers shorter implementation cycles and is less expensive than on-premises solutions, so it offers companies the ability to overlay a single application, and, in turn, a single end-to-end best practice across the company.

Electronic signatures are an ideal use of the SaaS model. In the past, getting a signature on a business-critical document could take days or even months, which threatens the completion of the transaction. However, with a Saas model, electronic signatures allow companies to conduct business in the cloud because contracts can be accessed anytime on demand, and everyone involved in the contract signing process–sales, operations, services, finance or legal–can participate in getting a contract signed online. E-signatures delivered as a service are faster, more efficient, and cost effective because they bridge the gap between traditional silos through accessibility, streamlined operations, and accelerated revenue acquisition.

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