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FieldMonitor now supports the S1H

I’ve updated FieldMonitor to support full-frame Panasonic Lumix cameras: the S1, S1R and S1H. FieldMonitor offers the same degree of control with these cameras as it does with Lumix MFT cams like the GH5.

FieldMonitor working with a DC-S1R camera

FieldMonitor is a wireless camera monitor/controller for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, and it talks to Panasonics, Sonys, and a couple of Fujifilms.

I’ve also added red and cyan digital peaking options to FieldMonitor’s Focus Assist:

Cyan digital peaking in FieldMonitor

Oh, and the Controls popup looks a lot better now in iOS 13. And I fixed a bug with some Panasonics in Creative Movie Mode not having exposure controls when recording in AF mode.  Ah, the things one can do when one suddenly has a lot more free time available, eh?

Next up:

Canon EOS RP

Stay tuned…

Disclosure: I wrote FieldMonitor and if you buy it, I make money.

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