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Filmmaker Friday Featuring Filmmaker Ralph Laurence Mariano

Filmmaker Friday Featuring Filmmaker Ralph Laurence Mariano 6

With hundreds of careers and opportunities, the filmmaking industry can be a unique experience for a Filmmaker. Filmtools decided to take a deeper look into the world of a Filmmaker. This week, we had the opportunity to speak to Filmmaker Ralph Laurence Mariano about his work. This is what he said:


What is your name and where are you from?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: I am Ralph Laurence Mariano, born in the Philippines, raised in Los Angeles.

 What is your primary role on set?

Ralph Laurence Mariano: My primary role on set is the director. I often also play the role of Cinematographer and Camera Op.

Who is a person in the industry that is on top of his or her game in your role?

Ralph Laurence Mariano: Alejandro Inarritu is currently on top of his game as a film director. Winning multiple Oscar awards is definitely an achievement that is extremely admirable.

 Since I mostly direct music videos, Dave Meyers and Karena Evans started taking over the game as well, especially after Humble (directed by Dave Meyers) with Kendrick Lamar and God’s Plan (directed by Karena Evans) with Drake.


If you had to impress someone with your work, what would be the most “well-known” content that you’ve worked on? 

Ralph Laurence Mariano: I signed a couple of NDA’s on recent shoots (past two weeks) that I’ve worked on that I know will be extremely well known, so sadly I can’t really talk about it! The most I can say about a couple of the shoots are; one will be a video game including the most famous models of Instagram and the fitness industry, and another one includes one of the biggest rappers of this generation.

I also work with a few YouTubers and influencers such as Josh Paler Lin. I would animate his intro for youtube and Ernesto De La Paz. The Music videos I directed such as “ Threat “ by Datta Boy and “ Bout to Ride “ by Mandi Rose reached enough people for us to have featured on blogs and magazines.

Best craft service food?

Ralph Laurence Mariano: The Ham and Cheese Crossaint Kit Kaboodle Craft Services would make are extraordinary. I love Ham and Cheese Croissant and they were not greedy with their cheese, which I loved so much!

What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on before?

Ralph Laurence Mariano: The video game that included the most famous fitness people on Instagram and industry would probably be the coolest on top if not even with a project I worked on with Hologram USA.


What’s the first thing you do on set?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: I would greet everybody hello and introduce myself to at least most of the people. Then I would set up my cart if I’m camera Op. or area if directing.

How did you break into the industry?

Ralph Laurence Mariano: I started as a PA and Grip. I’ve always considered myself as someone who gets along with everybody and lucky enough to meet the right people who would give me the opportunity to be on higher positions such as Camera Op, over the years.

Current TV obsession?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: The Office. Even though it’s done airing, just like That’s 70’s show, it will always be a show I will never get tired of watching.

 Do you binge-watch shows or pace them out?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: I binge-watch shows 99.99% of the time.

 What piece of gear do you have your eye on?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: I have my eye on the Red Epic W Gemini. It seems like it’s the “ A7sii “ of the Cinema Cameras.

 Camera – Should you own or rent?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: Own. It will pay for itself and you also become an asset to whoever is hiring you.

 Lenses – Should you own or rent?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: Rent for now. We are currently in transition of cinema sensors changing and some of these sensors require different lenses.


What is your preferred camera system? 

 Ralph Laurence Mariano: Arri Alexa!

I also love RED Cameras. The Gemini seems like a game changer with its low light capabilities.

 Someone that is starting out in the industry, what advice would you give them?

Ralph Laurence Mariano: Shoot. Keep Shooting and practicing your work. Give the universe the energy that you’re working hard for paid or unpaid shoots. Be humble and very friendly, you’ll never know who you’ll run into and maybe even give you the opportunity to fund your film.

 Where can people see your work?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano:

Where can people follow you on social?

 Ralph Laurence Mariano:


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