Foolproof Archiving for Final Cut Pro Libraries 1
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Ran B


Just found your tutorial as part of my ongoing search on how to make my archive process simple and future proof, thank you very much for making those videos, they are very informative and helpful. Making my archives future proof is still an ongoing concern for me especially considering the fact that on major FCP updates library properties updates as well and it is known that backward compatibility isn’t always supported, while exporting XML file for every library can help with that, I am mostly concern about potentially losing access to original media (if kept inside FCP library) over a long period of time because of multi-version upgrades or if I decide to stop using FCP at any point in the future. The option of keeping and archiving my media outside the library exist but then, accessing it on another computer is a pain with re-linking files and all sort of other issues of compatibility and corruption when upgrade can happen (on top of relink files). I’d love to hear your opinion.

Also – I believe you are fundamentally mistaken with assuming that you can have your media both inside the library (not references but the actual media) and outside the library (so you can use it for other projects) without taking twice the space.
This magic simply doesn’t exist – the reason size showing in FCP under “storage used for media…” isn’t changing after consolidating original medial into the library is simply because FCP is only showing the total size of storage the application is using, well, it is using the same size after consolidation of media but it is now only using it from a new source (the library) so it no longer using the original external files therefor their size no longer shown as they became completely irrelevant for FCP. Check out the folder size in finder (that includes both the external and newly consolidated library) and you will soon see double the size.

Thank you!

Quentin Stafford-Fraser

A delayed reply, but just in case anyone else reads Ran’s concerns about not being able to have a copy both inside and outside the library without taking up more space. This does work, with one condition: the library and the original media do need to be on the same drive.
What happens with hard links is that the filesystem maintains a count of the number of references to the file, and just one copy of the file itself. If there are references inside two directories, you can delete either one and the file will continue to exist; it’s only if the reference count drops to zero that it’s actually deleted.
Now, this only works on some filesystems (so if you have a FAT32 drive, it’s probably not an option!), and all the references need to be on the same filesystem. If you copy one reference to somewhere else (e.g. by copying or moving the Library from a local disk to a NAS), then all the data will be copied at the same time.
Hope that helps!

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