Site icon ProVideo Coalition new update expands Camera to Cloud workflows new update expands Camera to Cloud workflowsIndustry adoption of Camera to Cloud connection will grow even faster now, as popular filmmaking applications are able to work with C2C, and access widens to Android phones. expands Camera to Cloud workflows with its new update, now released, which brings hardware support for the latest Aaton Cantar X3 sound recorders, along with new methods to authenticate C2C connections from any web connected device, including Android phones. has also enabled popular filmmaking applications like Pomfort Livegrade with ShotHub, ZoeLog, and Magic ViewFinder to work with Camera to Cloud. These additions dramatically expand the number of people working in pre-production, production, and post that can now use Camera to Cloud.

Industry adoption of Camera to Cloud has been incredibly fast and continues to accelerate, says the company, adding that “since its launch in March, there have been over 1,300 productions using Camera to Cloud with over 150,000 assets stored in”

In the Cloud with

During production, Aaton Cantar X3 sound recorders authenticate and communicate directly with to upload full-quality audio files. Support for Aaton Cantar X3 devices makes Camera to Cloud more appealing to a larger, more global user base. new update expands Camera to Cloud workflowsC2C is new tech to hit Hollywood

In addition to authentication via the iPhone and iPad apps, Camera to Cloud authentication can now happen via a web browser, which allow crews using Android devices, Macs, or PCs to set up C2C on their production.

“Camera to Cloud is the fastest growing new tech to hit Hollywood in years and represents a massive shift in workflow,” said Emery Wells, Co-founder and VP of Digital Products at Adobe. “C2C helps collaborators work more closely, regardless of geographic location, and we’ve seen it applied in production of narrative video, documentaries, sports content, and commercials. It’s one of those technologies that makes you wonder why we haven’t always worked this way.”

New software integrations bring the power of Camera to Cloud to even more collaborators, allowing them to leverage earlier in the production process. Integration with Pomfort Livegrade and ShotHub centralizes LUTs and CDLs to a single cloud directory so cinematographers, DITs, VFX, and post houses can find all color metadata in one place. ZoeLog generates easy-to-use and instantly sharable camera reports trusted by major Hollywood film and TV productions. By using, these reports can be distributed automatically to the people who need them most.

Camera to Cloud update is available now

Magic ViewFinder brings a feature-rich director’s viewfinder to any filmmaker with an iPhone, creating camera sensor and lens accurate pre-visualization photos and videos that collaborators can all reference throughout pre-production and production. Although there is a version of the app for Android, the Magic Universal ViewFinder, available on Google Play, it is not supported now. says that “Magic ViewFinder integration with Camera to Cloud is only supported on iOS at the moment, with Android support planned for a future update.”

“Ever since the launch of C2C, we’ve been hard at work collecting user feedback, building new integrations, and expanding options for more advanced workflows,” said Michael Cioni, Senior Director, Global Innovation at Adobe. “By removing the barriers of traditionally linear workflows, we enable teams to work in parallel, resulting in better collaboration, more time for creativity, and higher quality output.”

The C2C workflow gives creatives, sports groups, education, news, and filmmakers the ability to transmit, view, and edit footage moments after the camera stops rolling. For more information, please visit Camera to Cloud is available now. C2C features are included at no additional cost for customers with a paid account. Flexible new one- and three-month enterprise plans let production companies and studios purchase the service they need for the duration of their production. New Aaton, ZoeLog, and Magic ViewFinder integrations are available today. Integration with Pomfort Livegrade and ShotHub will be available early 2022. There is also a new update for Sound Devices audio recorders that improves performance with Camera to Cloud.

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