Scott Simmons published a Resolve 12 editorial menu/keyboard cheat sheet not too long ago, and it’s a great resource. Whether your preference is to print something like this out or look at it on-screen, you’ll find these shortcuts will save you time in almost everything you do.
We wanted to create similar resources that would be applicable for various systems, which is why we put together a series of downloadable keyboard shortcut documents for Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, Final Cut Pro X, Sony Vegas Pro, Lightworks and now DaVinci Resolve. Regardless of what system you prefer or are familiar with, you’ll find that each document contains simple but effective shortcuts that will make your work and life that much easier. To get a better understanding of the capabilities and features of these systems, you can look through the tutorials, reviews and editorials which are available on ProVideo Coalition.
Direct downloads for these keyboard shortcuts are accessible on the following pages. If you have any issues or questions about these documents, send us an email at
Adobe Premiere Pro
There were numerous things to love in the latest Adobe Premiere Pro CC release, including enhancements around trimming, 4-point editing and transition UI. With all of these upgrades and updates now being instantly available in CC, users have been able to utilize and communicate about these changes like never before.
This exclusive Adobe Premiere Pro keyboard shortcuts PDF details file menu, edit menu, the clip menu, sequence menu, marker menu, window menu, help menu, audio mixer panel menu, history panel menu, tools panel, multi-camera, projects panel, timeline panel, titler and trim monitor panel shortcuts.
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Avid Media Composer
For anyone who’s getting started with Media Composer or wants to refine their skill set in this system, Kevin P. McAuliffe has you covered. Kevin runs through Media Composer 101 basics like transcoding but also has separate advanced tutorials that detail editing music videos, which showcase very different skill sets and capabilities.
This exclusive Avid Media Composer keyboard shortcuts PDF details audio, bin, capture mode function buttons, editing, effect mode, timeline and tools shortcuts.
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Final Cut Pro X
Final Cut Pro X updated to 10.2 earlier this year, and with that update came new 3D Titles, Motion 5.2 and Compressor 4.2. This update didn’t represent a huge change but many of these feature improvements were welcome upgrades. For anyone who wants to get a better understanding of what you can do and accomplish with FCPX, Mark Spencer has a number of tutorials that will show you the true power and capability of this software, which includes his MacBreak Studio and Final Cut Pro X in Under 5 tutorials.
This exclusive Final Cut Pro keyboard shortcuts PDF details details application, editing, effects, general, marking, organization, playback/navigation, share and tools, and view shortcuts.
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Sony Vegas
Different professionals have different reactions to Sony Vegas Pro, and those reactions largely depend on their perspective. Some are amazed at how quickly they’re able to orient themselves and get comfortable with the software, while others are anxious to cut content which has a critical audio component, since you can essentially cut to music with Vegas. Regardless of where a user is coming from, most are happy to see and experience how organic the environment feels.
This exclusive Sony Vegas Pro keyboard shortcuts PDF details project file, magnification and view, cursor placement, loop region and time selection, general editing, event selection and editing, red eye reduction dialog, playback, recording and preview, timeline and track list, trimmer commands, track motion, surround panner, mixing console and miscellaneous shortcuts.
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With a free version for users that only need to work at 720p, Lightworks has a number of advantages that people are always talking about before they even get to detail the functionality of the software. Lightworks Free is the zero-cost version of Lightworks, while Lightworks Pro has numerous professional features, including the ability for groups of editors to all work and collaborate together within their networked environment.
This exclusive Lightworks keyboard shortcuts PDF details playback controls, function keys & numbers, and alphabetical shortcuts.
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DaVinci Resolve
PVC has featured a number of videos which showcase how you can easily take advantage of the features in Resolve, and the tool is becoming more versatile with each release. Combining non-linear editing capabilities with the world’s most advanced color corrector has allowed many professionals and entire productions to simplify their process.
This exclusive DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcuts PDF details application, file menu, editing, view, mark, playback and nodes shortcuts.
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