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Global Marketing challenges…

Marketing teams that need to prepare global, localized materials should be able to interact with ease and clarity across different divisions, regions, and languages in order to produce a strong brand identity.

This requires a collaborative workflow that will:

Streamline yet integrate seamlessly with existing design/studio workflows running on Adobe InDesign

Distribute work and responsibilities through a Web2Print environment for truly global access

Enable sub-parties easily to create and edit their own printed matter from approved templates so that workload can be shared with all stakeholders without risk or inefficiency

Provide flexibility in order to balance centralized brand consistency with local market requirements

Eliminate common errors in text, price, consistency, images, logos, brand requirements, etc. ideally without requiring the designer or editor to go back to the original document.

To tackle these challenges, ADAM DocMaker 3.1 was released with some really significant new features. Top of the list will be DocMaker 3.1’s amazing new rich text editing capabilities where users now get full control over fonts, colors, styles and sizes all within an easy-to-use, web-based HTML editor. But there’s much more to DocMaker 3.1, including table editing, full control of styles permissions, Adobe® InDesign® CS5 compatibility with InDesign Server load-balancing and priority queuing, and a host of other new features. Check out the 30 minutes webinar to know more…

The webinar can be found here:

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