Normally I leave article comments as they are, even when they are (to my admittedly biased viewpoint) flame-bait, less than perfectly well intentioned, or otherwise not especially helpful. I figure that folks will soon learn who the good guys are and who the trolls are, and so far it’s worked pretty well: the quality of discourse in the comments section is considerably higher than on many other site with open postings.
But a few of my articles have been accreting “comment spam”: one-liner comments, keying off a word or two in an article or a previous comment but otherwise completely uninformative, like “Log the camera!” or “Wow, we need to discuss that!”. The poster’s link is simply a link to an e-commerce site, and one not even related to the topics at hand.
I will be removing these comments as I encounter them. I’m not purging them for “political correctness” or for anti-Adam viewpoints, just for spamming. Please continue to discuss the topics of articles without fear of censorship. The only thing I’m gunning for is spam (and anything else entirely off-topic); I want to keep the signal-to-noise ratio here as high as possible.

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