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How to drive an effective Governance Retention and Compliance Strategy

Alfresco Events – How to drive an effective Governance Retention and Compliance Strategy.

When: October 29 2009

Where: Online Webinar – 11am EDT (GMT -4)

Alfresco Records Management:

How to drive an effective Governance, Retention and Compliance strategy with Open Source

Live Webinar on October 29th, 11 am EDT (GMT -4)

Reserve your spot for the webinar here!

Records management is the practice of identifying, classifying, archiving, preserving, and destroying records.

You could almost consider it

“The Art of Throwing Things Away.”

But why bother with Records Management?

  1. There is a legal requirement to manage company information
  2. Records Management is used to prove who knew what, and when
  3. Badly managed records could become a legal liability for your company

In short: The ability to control vital company records, is key toward addressing the legal requirements forGovernance, Retention and Compliance (GRC).

But this is about more than just technology. Getting user buy-in with Records Management is key.

If it’s not simple enough to encourage end users to actually comply, all the technology in the world won’t help.

There are 3 main Records Management standards, and all will be reviewed

in this webinar:

  1. ISO 15489:2001 (Defined by the International Organization of Standardization. Best practice standard)
  2. DoD 5015.2 (US Dept of Defense standard)
  3. Moreq2 (European Union standard)

This webinar will:

Review the business requirements of Records Management, as part of a Governance, Retention and Compliance (GRC) strategy.

Explore the focus of the different international and regional standards

Provide an overview how the Alfresco Records Management solution address these requirements

Discuss the specific next steps for any company looking to deploy an RM solution

Coming out of this webinar, you will have a solid understanding of how effective your current Records Management strategy is.

And what benefits an open source solution can provide to your Governance, Retention and Compliance efforts.

Don’t throw this best practice webinar away.

Archive it to your calendar.

Register for the “Governance, Retention and Compliance strategy” webinar!

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