Content Marketing Today I Love iTunes, So Why Doesn’t Their eNewsletter Love Me Back.
What Am I Marketing Chopped Liver?
If you are one of the millions of iTunes fans, you appreciate the brilliant work they do in aggregating music creatively. But, they squander the opportunity to connect with me by focusing on what their database knows about the music I buy and that lives within my iTunes account.
Normally, I now just delete without reading, but this week’s eNewsletter was so off target I had to write about it.
iTunes Does It Right. But Their Marketing Does Me Wrong.
Not only does iTunes enable you to do infinite organizing of your music, the iTunes store takes it many steps further. The store includes pre-constructed sets of music from different eras, different artists or different styles in the iTunes store. With iTunes itself, I particularly love the ‘Genius Bar’ which enables you to create new playlists from your stored music or to discover new tunes that you’re likely to love based on a song that you have chosen from your own iTunes collection.
The iTunes folks excel at enabling you to choose,to organize, and to discover all sorts of music that you love. Of course, you’ve probably bought quite a few more iTunes selections than you should have thanks to their terrifically targeted musical content. iTunes is brilliant at offering you what you didn’t even know you wanted.
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