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IDimager V4 Arriving soon

IDimager V4 Arriving soon

We are excited to announce that a new major version of our digital image management solution IDimager will be released soon: IDimager V4.

So what is new is V4? In short… a whole lot. Below you find a sum-up of the most important changes:

New Application InterfaceIDimager’s V3 interface is replaced by a new application interface which is more modern, better customizable, and easier to use. The new interface allows customizable toolbars, different colour themes, and on-screen panel reorganization. At the same time the many features are “grouped” together to form logical units.
Catalog Label Assignments In V4, the old Catalog Explorer and Catalog Assignment dialog are combined in the Catalog Explorer and the Catalog Explorer can now be toggled between “explorer mode” and “assignment mode”. You can also drag/drop or stamp images with the new stamper feature.  
Revolutionary Search MechanismSearch all your data in the catalog database and combine any type of information to query your images. With multi selection modes available in the Explorers you have a search mechanism available that can build very advanced queries just by clicking a few boxes. Powerful and simple to use.


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