By Ian Davis
Let’s face it right at the start, no ducking the issue, image tagging for business findability is hard – though the light at the end of the tunnel is that it’s not too hard, and done well it can make a huge difference to the value of a set of images.
This article outlines the options open to tag images for a business need – selling, sharing, reducing duplication of effort etc. It assumes an image focused audit or assessment has already understood the creation and use of image content and the need is to choose from a set of options in order to create a tagging plan, with a set of rules, guidelines and success metrics.
Please consider the bulk of this article to be a list of focus areas and pick from them depending on your needs.
Image findability – basic attributes
Perhaps the most familiar area, for those more used to working with documents than images, are the basic attributes of images – think Dublin Core for images, but don’t forget to consider the layers or instances of many images. The original object could be a sculpture, a painting, a daguerreotype, or an original digital creation. The second generation image could be an archival image depicting the original object, plus any further images – cut-down image files with differing screen sizes or images in different formats such as Tiff or Jpeg.
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