It’s a Mobile World – Just as We Knew It Would Be – View From Above.
Last week, Lubor Ptacek, a blogger and VP of Marketing at content management vendor, Open Text, wrote a post on his personal blog called Mobile Device as Primary Interface. It was Ptacek’s contention that his colleague, whom he captured in a picture using his Blackberry in his office instead of a nearby laptop, was part of transformation to a mobile-centric world.
Given the choice of his laptop or his Blackberry, even with his laptop within easy reach, the colleague chose the mobile device — and that’s telling. As smart phones get more sophisticated and the network connection speeds get faster, it’s something that’s bound to become so common place we won’t need a picture and a blog post to point it out.
In fact, it’s highly likely that a similar dynamic is happening as we speak inside your organization (or at least it should be). As I wrote last week, in iPads are Coming – Ready or Not, the tablet may be helping drive the trend away from a PC world in which we use either our mobile smart phone, or a tablet when we need a larger screen. As I pointed out in my post, many organizations are looking very carefully at tablet solutions today.
The fact that this trend is coming together as we speak is particularly interesting to me because in 2002, I wrote my very first article forEContent Magazine (where I still write today as Contributing Editor) called Project Oxygen: A breath of fresh air for the Internet. The article described an MIT project with what was a fairly radical notion at the time–that our primary access to computers and the Internet would be via hand-held devices and that network access would be ubiquitous as the air we breathe (like Oxygen).
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