Avid Gems #10
Here’s an interesting problem I came across on the Avid-L2 listserve: An editor was trying to create three circle...
Extracting the value of knowledge
Can the Author Really Help? Mike Shatzkin A very experienced former book packager who has moved on to become...
Color Correction Tutorial #11
After a brief hiatus, my color correction tutorials are back. This tutorial is about 8 minutes long and provides...
HDMI capture in live multi-camera production
Thanks to the new HDMI input interfaces like Blackmagic’s Intensity and Intensity Pro, it is feasible to connect certain...
eyeon Fusion Brings Max Manus to the Big Screen
Toronto: January 15, 2009 … Max Manus represents a breakthrough in Norwegian cinema, and Fusion(tm), the award-winning compositing application...
The Sony F35 and ND Filters
While testing the Sony F35 recently at Chater Camera I performed my usual IR test and stacked a bunch...
DAM vs. WCM – do you really understand the difference? 14-Jan-2009 I’ve heard too many people say Digital Asset...
Why do I need a DAM?
Nice to see a new Digital Asset Management blog arrive, written from the perspective of a longtime user. Why...
The Not-So-Technical Guide to the Sony F35
The RED ONE is cheap and good; the Sony F35 is expensive and utterly amazing. Way back in November...
How to Create a DVD ISO Image from Files on a Mac
I had to create an .ISO file for a client recently, using the contents of a DVD (the VIDEO_TS...
PVC is Now Available For Mobile Devices
We’re still messing with it and will be tweaking it over the next few days, but you can now...
SOC Names Feature Film Nominees
Will Arnot, SOC (Milk), Stephen Campanelli, SOC (The Changeling), Robert Gorelick, SOC (The Dark Knight), Kim Marks (The Curious...
Google Apps Premier Edition
An overview of the Google Apps Authorized Reseller program. For more information and an application see…
Online Proofing
Online proofing and approval Save time, save money, get instant results. Streamline your design and marketing projects: * Easy...