Double Your iPhone Battery
The 24 fps Prayer
We at Meets The Eye have been discussing frame rates today, triggered by the article at We’d like...
Even Rembrandt Sang the Blues
The following was translated from a little known parchment relating to a discussion between Rembrandt and one of his...
Lighting Advice for Budding DPs
Not long ago a student asked me a question that on its surface seemed very simple: “How do DPs...
Lighting Diagrams with Omnigraffle
Author and video podcaster Richard Harrington as he explains the importance of lighting diagrams and shows you how to...
Delivering review cuts with yousendit
Richard Harrington examines how to deliver large files online with yousendit, at the ’08 New Media Expo in Las...
RED Support for Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, After Effects CS4 and Encore CS4
The beta version of the RED Camera Adobe Importer Plug-in is going to be available in the next few...
AppleTV, WDTV, or Blu-ray: Which one is best to distribute your HD project?
Even if your HD project isn’t destined to be broadcast over the air, you’ll still want to have your...
How to Fix Apple Compressor
If you’ve ever had issues launching Apple’ Compressor software, you’re not alone. The software seems to frequently get stuck...
Understanding Adobe Photoshop #128 – Pixels in Depth
Software Asset Management
US organisation to promote software asset management in Karnataka “The US-based Business Software Alliance (BSA), which promotes a safe...
TRULY native Red support in Final Cut Studio…finally!
Apple and Red have teamed up to support native (OK, rewrapped QTs, akin to how P2 is handled) .R3D...
MediaBank v3.5 Has Been Released
MediaBank is the leading Digital Asset Management solution used by hundreds of companies worldwide to manage and distribute their...
Why Pro Res Should Be Your Only Res & The AJA IoHD Part 1
I thought that for this next article series, I would take a look at Apple's biggest addition to Final...