Join Daniel Norton On Set and discover how to build a camera set-up with the Canon C300 Mark II from the ground up, from lens selection, monitoring and rigging the camera for shoulder mount and tripod use.
Daniel Norton is a Photographer, Director and DP with over 15 years experience in the advertising and editorial markets. As Director of Content Production and Events for Adorama Pro. Daniel also produces and hosts FREE weekly in-store trainings every Thursday as well as the Adorama TV series On Set with Daniel Norton.
This Free Film School event under the title The Camera for Cinema, featuring the Canon C300 Mark II, is an Adorama Pro sponsored event in the New York area. Demos start at 2:00 and 4:00 pm and you still have time to subscribe. Just follow the link to the page of the event.
As a filmmaker, the camera is the center of your world no matter the size of your production. How you support, move and rig your camera will affect not only how your images look but also how smoothly your shooting goes. Having a properly set-up camera will save you both time and money in your production.
During the sessions Daniel Norton can help you with any questions you might have about lighting, studio and production. You will learn ways to move your camera to increase production value, and also which tools (such as monitors and recorders) can and should be attached to your camera for maximum flexibility and usability. And you also have the chance to try the new Canon C300 Mark II.
This is a free session and if you’re interested and in the New York city area, you’re welcome. As mentioned above, demos start at 2:00 and 4:00 pm and you still have time to subscribe. Just follow the link to the page of the event. Adorama In-Store Event Space” is located at 42 West 18th Street, New York. You may also know it under the name “Adorama Learning Center”.
The event is sponsored by Adorama Pro and Canon.

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