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Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 9 – Exporting

Lets Edit Ep 9 - Exporting

Hey Everyone,

I know what you’re probably thinking…..”Wait a minute….weren’t we just talking about the New Interface, and now we’re talking about exporting?”  Yep.  That’s correct.  Believe it or not, when I teach Media Composer, I teach Project Creation, Transcoding/Consolidating and Exporting first.  I figure that you want to know how to create a project, get media in correctly, and get it out correctly as well.  The editing part, people can play around with until I create the lessons to cover that.  If you don’t know how to do the core “3”, your project is in trouble.  With the Exporting lesson, you are now able to create a project, get your media in and export a master or H264 approval file, depending on your needs.  Enjoy!

Let's Edit with Media Composer - Lesson 9 - Exporting

Twitter: @kpmcauliffe

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