I’m still amazed when talking to Media Composer editors, how many of them are still using the built in tools to do all their effects work. I’ll admit, I use 3D Warp and Animatte all the time, but if it’s anything more than a basic fix, I’m using 3rd party tools to get the job done. With editors more and more wearing different hats, the ability to stay in your timeline to do all your effects, roto, tracking and titling work is a very, very appealing idea. Boris FX has always been in the forefront of effects and essential tools that Media Composer editors can use to take their work to the next level, and in this Let’s Edit tutorial, we’re looking at what’s new in Continuum 2020.
Channel: www.youtube.com/letseditMC_avid
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Twitter: @kpmcauliffe
e-mail: kevinpmcauliffe@gmail.com

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