What can I say…I’m a big Sapphire fan. I need a shirt with “S_Glow” on the front of it, as I can’t count the amount of times I use that effect in the course of a week. Sapphire has always been about style, and this 2020 update is no different, however, there has been some great “under the hood” technical and workflow enhancements, to make this an update that editors, motion effects artists and finishing editors will be very excited about. First, the new S_Freelens effect will give you the ability to add a lens wacking look to your footage, without having to worry about damage to your camera. It’s also nice to have your footage clean, so you can decide how much “look” you want to give it, as opposed to having it baked in. OpenColorIO will also give users (outside Media Composer, as our color space information is more or less baked into our footage when working with 3rd Party effects like Sapphire and Continuum) flexibility over color management when working with Sapphire 2020, and the addition of Mocha Sapphire tracking support integrated into ten effects really makes this a great update. Keep in mind that if you subscribe to Sapphire, you can download and start working with this update right away! Enjoy!
What’s New in Boris FX’s Sapphire 2020?
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