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MaaS Marketing the new Mass Marketing?

Image by Simple Fox via Flickr

MaaS Marketing the new Mass Marketing? | CloudAve.

Ihaveworked in a number of environments wheremarketing technologies have been at the centre of business transformation. I don’t mean to suggest that customer wants and needs were not a consideration. Rather, there was a tendency to undertake business tranformation in a way that was technology-led where the requirements of the client were the last consideration in defining the vision andimplementation strategy.

Whatwe have today iswhat appears to beis an increased love affair with marketing appliances. What I mean is that there is analmost universal embracing of the latest piece of technical wizardry to hit the marketplace. When a new gadget hits the market it’s not just covered in a technology publication, it’s a major event that makes the front page of the daily news. On the consumer side, it’s been about various tablets, e-readers and smart phones. On the business side, it’s been about apps ranging from the latest in search tools for consumer-generated content, customer relationship management and licenced applications in general that provide augmented value through Internet access on demand known asSaaS – Software as a Service. Implicit here is the pervasive expansion of social networking platforms.

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