As we prepare for the last Apple attended MacWorld tomorrow, I thought I’d throw my hat into the ring with predictions what Phil might be presenting us with.
17″ MacBook Pro
This is a no-brainer. We already have the MacBook, and 15″ MacBook Pro in new clothing, it’s time for the 17″ to join the party. I’d bet we’ll see upgraded video processing in the 17″, and slight performance increases across the entire notebook line.
New Cinema Displays
Another no-brainer seems to be an updated 30″ cinema display along the same line as the recently released 24″. The jury is out as to whether a third display will be introduced.
New Mac Mini
The internet is buzzing about the new Mini and I’d bet we’ll see a new version even able to handle the 30″ display listed above. This be billed as the “Home Server” which will manage all of your music, movies etc.
New iPhone
I think there is a 50/50 chance we’ll see Phil talk about a new phone to be introduced in late Spring. He’ll likely also talk about how it will be open to other carriers, or just plain unlocked. Why now? Because like the first go around, Apple may want to introduce it as opposed to FCC leaks. I’d bet in the future we’ll see as many as three iPhone variations. A “Pro”, a “Nano” and a “classic”.
New iPod Touch
While I really, really want this to be launched at MacWorld this year, it will likely be in the Fall before we see such a beast. And by beast, I’m suggesting a 7″ diagonal iPod Touch Pro. This Pro version would potentially be able to run mobile versions of iWork and iLife. It would also be able to wireless sync with the small Apple bluetooth keyboard, and have a kickstand in the back to allow for the display to stand on it’s own.
New iLife and iWork
I think it’s likely we’ll see some refreshes here.
Final Cut Pro Studio
Alas, I don’t think we’ll be seeing any updates just yet, however, I’m hopeful we’ll be seeing a refresh by NAB at the latest.
Anyone else care to throw some predictions at the wall?

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