This project will provide a case study which addresses a common institutional need for a digital asset strategy which combines academic and learning resources and corporate information. It will seek to address the basic issues of who should do what when and how, and also review the use of external consultants and evaluate the benefits and cost of using external contractors to manage corporate digital assets. The resultant strategy will be embedded in the College Information and Knowledge Strategy and will provide a seamless bridge between institutional requirements for business continuity and the digital preservation of academic resources. At each stage of the work the project will gather information about practice elsewhere in HE and FE and the commercial sector and to seek to evolve a view on how to achieve best fit within the constraints of existing staffing and resources. By maintaining a dialogue through the UK HE Records Management Group it will seek both to test ideas on an on-going basis and to share conclusions as they evolve.
The Project has now completed and click to see the final report
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