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MARVIN 2.0 Ready for Take Off at IBC


MARVIN Technologies will present the MARVIN 2.0 on-set camera data management system at IBC 2011 in Amsterdam, Sept. 9-13 (hall 7 booth 7.K01e). Along with support for all common digital cinema cameras, including RED, ARRI Alexa, Silicon Imaging SI 2K, and others, IBC attendees will get a first look at MARVIN’s new stereoscopic 3D support.


MARVIN automates the creation of backups, LTO5 tape masters, QuickTime proxies for offline editing and DVD dailies, as well as shot logging. The new stereo 3D support in MARVIN 2.0 allows the system to ingest left and right eye images simultaneously, archiving to two LTO5 tapes – one for each eye. MARVIN 2.0 will render stereoscopic content to side-by-side, interleaved or checkerboard QuickTimes for Final Cut Pro, or MXF files for fast import into Avid systems.

MARVIN 2.0 is available in three models based on daily shooting requirements. MARVIN 400 can process 400GB of camera data per day, the MARVIN 800 can handle 800 GB, while the MARVIN 3D has sufficient processing power to ingest up to 1.5TB of regular or stereo 3D footage each day. MARVIN 2.0 is housed in a robust case with a padded exterior, and each model is available with either 6 or 12 TB of onboard RAID storage. Support for the RED, Panasonic P2, ARRI D21/Alexa, Silicon Imaging SI 2K, Vision Research Phantom and Weisscam HS-2 file formats is included with all versions.

MARVIN in Production
MARVIN was used by Dutch film director Maarten Treurniet on The Heineken Kidnapping (De Heineken Ontvoering) starring Rutger Hauer. “MARVIN was a huge help on the project,” explained Treurniet. “Our editors were able to start working during production, each day cutting shots from the day before. It was a breeze! We completed final editing in just over four weeks.”

“MARVIN is gaining traction in the marketplace with new projects recently started in Hungary and Romania,” said Adam Welsh, general manager at MARVIN Technologies. “The system provides a reliable solution right out of the box for on-set digital capture, securing and storing, as well as creating production deliverables. MARVIN meets and exceeds the needs of major studios for production media security.”

MARVIN Technologies has also announced a rental program for MARVIN units. “This is the perfect solution for people who have a project coming up and want to take the headache out of on-set media processing,” said Welsh.

Visitors to IBC can see MARVIN 2.0 at booth# 7.K01e in hall 7 at the RAI Convention Center, Sept. 9-13. To book an appointment for a demo, IBC visitors should contact Adam Welsh at +44 1279 758285 or by email:

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