In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe shows you how to archive your project using only the included tools in Avid Media Composer.
In the next couple of lessons, we’re going to take a look at archiving your projects. This part of the process can be very tricky, considering that there is no simple “Archive” button or feature that will just let you take a sequence, or an entire project for that matter, and just move it to a new hard drive. In this first lesson, we’re going to take a look at how to archive you master sequence with only the clips used, and what is the best way to delete everything you’re not using, to obvioulsy free up space for the next project coming down the pipe. This lesson is essential, as many people end up just exporting a QuickTime movie to copy onto an external hard drive as a backup, and updating a project like that can be difficult, or nearly impossible if you don’t have the separate media to quickly go in and just swap out a shot or two!
In our next lesson, we’re going to look at a fantastic third party utility that will give you the flexibility to archive just what you’ve used in your sequence, or backup all your media, including clips that never even made it into your timeline.. To keep up to speed when new tutorials are released, follow Kevin on Twitter @kpmcauliffe, send him an e-mail at, or subscribe to the YouTube Channel to stay up to date on new Media Composer tutorials each week.

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