In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe continues his look at editing music videos by starting to talk about effects work. Transitions lead the way, and in this lesson you’ll learn how to implement custom transitions into your Media Composer timelines.
In our last few lessons in editing Music Videos, we’ve focused on the actual editing aspect. Setting up your Multicam, and doing an actual edit. In the next few lessons, we’re going to focus on some effects work that you’ll be able to implement into your music videos to help make them stand out. Remember, the purpose of these specific tutorials is not to hold your hand through the edit. Once you know how to set up your multicamera timeline, the edit is the easy part. It’s everything else that goes into it that can be complicated.
In the first lesson, in our look at effects in your music video, we’re going to focus on custom transitions. Not creating them, mind you, as if you have some basic After Effects skills you can create your own, or you can find a stock element company that you can purchase cool transitions off of. This lesson will focus on the technical aspects of getting these transitions into Media Composer, adding them to your timeline, and then adjusting the duration to either speed them up, or slow them down. You will be able to take all that you learn from the lessons on editing music videos, and apply it to just about any project you happen to be working on.
To keep up to speed when new tutorials are released, follow Kevin on Twitter @kpmcauliffe, send him an e-mail at, or subscribe to the YouTube Channel to stay up to date on new Media Composer tutorials each week.

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