- Preservation and seamless interoperability of digital image metadata
- Interoperability and availability to all applications, devices, and services
The MWG publishestechnical specifications that describe how to effectively store metadata into digital media files. These royalty-free specifications are made available to software developers, manufacturers and service providers so that they may create products that use metadata in a consistent way, and that allow consumers to better describe, organize and find their media. Where possible, these specifications rely on existing standards, and aim to create a unified and cohesive approach to applying these standards.
Guidelines For Handling Image Metadata version 2.0 available now – clickherefor more details!
metadata formats
Metadata is an essential part of image and photography based workflows. Cameras capture device metadata while taking pictures. Operating systems and other software subsequently read metadata to build up catalogs and offer effective search capabilities. In addition to this, the user is able to enhance this workflow with their own metadata that may be stored either inside the file or within caching or database systems.
In the context of consumer image-based workflows, the existence of different metadata standards leads to interoperability issues when using various devices, operating systems and software tools. Although the majority of metadata properties are unique, there are a number of properties whichoverlap across several metadata standards and cause interoperability issues as a consequence.
The goal of this section is to identify those overlapping properties and provide guidance on how to handle them correctly across the different metadata formats.After a brief overview of existing metadata standards, this chapter introduces the most common metadata properties in the context of consumer workflows. To ensure best interoperability across software and hardware systems, a general reconciliation mechanism is then discussed. Finally, the chapter will close with a detailed analysis of each focus area and discuss specific technical issues and obstacles.
More info @ http://www.metadataworkinggroup.com/