
After I’ve completed my trim/edits on the R side clip I am ready to create the 3D Stereo Camera rig. With the layer selected I choose Layer>Camera>Create Stereo 3D Rig. Since we are working with 2D layers and not working in 3D space a dialog pops up warning: “Camera and Lights do not affect 2D layers…” – ignore this warning and click “OK”.

2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 38
2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 39

Create a Stereo 3D Rig from the selected footage layer

The result will be several comps created for you with cameras and layers automatically generated, and you will be looking at a final comp with “Stereo 3D” added to the name of your original comp naming.

Modifying (Fooling) the Stereo 3D Rig Process

Since the Stereo 3D Rig is designed to look at a scene in 3D space, the R&L eye comps are dinged to point at your original comp from two different cameras. To “fool” the cameras we need to put different images in front of them to get the result we’re trying to achieve.

I start by duplicating my original comp in the Project panel, then I rename both the original comp and the duplicate comp for R & L eyes.

2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 40
2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 41

Duplicate the original comp and rename both the original and duplicate comps

I then open the duplicated L comp and replace the R footage layer with the L footage clip, by selecting the layer in the Timeline and Option(Alt)-clicking and dragging the replacement clip on top of the selected layer in the Timeline. This retains all the cropping/editing I’ve already done on the R footage clip in my original comp. Be sure to repeat for any subsequent clips you’ve added to your original comp.

2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 42

Replace the footage layer in the duplicated (L eye) comp withe the L footage clip



Next, I open up the Left Eye comp that was automatically created by the Stereo 3D Rig and unlock the comp layer so it can be modified. It will be the original comp name. I then select the duplicated L comp that I have swapped the R & L footage clips in and replace the comp in the Timeline.

2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 43
2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 44

Swap the sub-comps from R to L in the Left Eye comp

Adjusting the Convergence and Alignment

Note: If you don’t have a 3D monitor with shutter goggles on your machine, then the best way to do this next step is with Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses.

I open up the final Stereo 3D comp and open up the Effects panel to make minor adjustments to the 3D Glasses effect. Since I’m merely combining my stereo pairs in 2D I don’t need to modify the camera separation or convergence settings in the Stereo 3D Controls effect.

With my anaglyph glasses on, I first adjust the Vertical Alignment by sight. I then adjust the Scene Convergence until I get the best results of correct depth of all items in the scene. You can scrub through the Timeline to check various positions as well as set keyframes to modify the convergence (depth) over time for an effect.

2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 45
2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 46

Adjust Vertical Alignment and Scene Convergence by eye using Red/Cyan glasses in Anaglyph viewing mode

Since the Stereo 3D Rig is designed for 3D space in AE, the 2D files will appear with a black frame around them when the comp is viewed to fit your window. To remedy this, simply adjust the Scale of the Stereo 3D Controls layer in the final Stereo 3D comp to approximate 105% to crop.

2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 47

Scale up the Stereo 3D Controls layer to crop out the black frame around the view window

Various Preview & Output Options…

There are several options for outputting your completed 3D footage, including Red/Blue (Cyan) Anaglyph, Interlaced Upper/Lower, Over/Under stacked pairs and Side by Side Stereo Pairs.

2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 48
2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 49
2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 50
2D Footage with a Stereo 3D Rig in After Effects CS5.5 51

There are several options for viewing and output from After Effects for the 3D Stereo workflow you desire

Jeff Foster is a published author of several how-to books and training videos in the motion graphics, animation and video production industries and is an award-winning video producer and artist. Visit his web site to learn more about his training methods, tips & tricks at

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