Site icon ProVideo Coalition’s Best of the Web: A curated library of the best filmmaking tutorials, tips and tricks’s Best of the Web: A curated library of the best filmmaking tutorials, tips and tricks 5 prides itself on producing educational videos on filmmaking topics ranging from lighting and audio capture to visual effects editing, screenwriting, directing, and more.

However, we also take the time to extensively browse YouTube and filmmaking websites for third-party created content that we believe to be quick, concise, and of high educational value. There are millions of “tutorials” and “how-to” videos floating around on the web. Often you can waste hours perusing videos in which you are given bad advice, or the object of the video isn’t actually achieved satisfactorily.’s ‘Best of the Web’ section seeks to solve this age-old internet problem for film students, professionals, and creators alike. In the interest of building our audience, we put in the time to evaluate the multitude of YouTube filmmaking tutorials and guides out there, so you don’t have to. We’ve collected the best tips & techniques on filmmaking from around the web and gathered them in one place. This is a subjective content filtration to be sure. But we believe our expertise in separating the wheat from the content chaff will better appeal to our audience’s tastes than the results of YouTube’s profit-maximizing algorithms.

Specifically, we focus on cinematography, directing & production, lighting, color, editorial and visual effects content. Interviews with Hollywood editors, explanatory walkthroughs by top cinematographers and gaffers, nonlinear compositing guides, and behind-the-scenes footage of film legends at work are all on the menu.

Learn how Akira Kurosawa blocked out his scenes. Watch how Stanley Kubrick manically controlled every detail of his actor’s performances in The Shining and 2001: A Space Oddyssey. Go behind the scenes of Mad Max (2015) in the Namibian desert to see how the war vehicles were actually created and filmed. Sit down with the editors of Birdman, Sicario, Gone Girl, and other Hollywood pros in our ‘Editors on Editing’ interview series.

Below are some of our favorites:

These are just a sampling of the content we’ve selected for you in’s Best of the Web section. Use us as a tool to educate yourself as efficiently as possible on everything filmmaking, for free.




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