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NAB 2016 – mocha Pro and visiting the Boris and Imagineer Systems Booth

NAB 2016 - mocha Pro and visiting the Boris and Imagineer Systems Booth 1

We'll get the full mocha Pro interface and all work done will be applied back to the clip upon closing the app.

I made it a point to drop by the Boris FX booth to have a chat with Ross Shain of Imagineer Systems. At this point it’s old news that Boris Continuum Complete has integrated mocha planar tracking making it an incredibly powerful effects tool beyond what BCC could already do. As part of the upcoming mocha Pro v5 release Imagineer has created a mocha Pro as a plug-in to Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro CC. That’s a first for mocha as in the past it has either required the BCC integration or a more complex workflow of moving data in and out of mocha Pro. And to be honest that moving of the mocha tracking data probably left some people out of using mocha.

To be clear, this will be a mocha Pro filter/effect applied to a clip. Then launch the full mocha Pro version from within the effect controls, do anything you might do in mocha Pro and get that work back onto the clip in your NLE with the click of a button.

mocha Pro will live in the Effect Palette and can be applied just like any other Media Composer effect.
mocha Pro will live in the Effect Palette and can be applied just like any other Media Composer effect.

Open the Effects Editor and launch mocha Pro.

We’ll get the full mocha Pro interface and all work done will be applied back to the clip upon closing the app.

What’s new in mocha Pro 5:

We also talked a bit about some upcoming uses for mocha in the emerging VR world. Think removing camera rigs from a 360° scene with a few clicks and that’s a first potential use. The demo I saw make it pretty seamless. Ross tells us all about mocha Pro in this audio interview.

VR is going to be another important place for mocha.


Using the remove tools in mocha Pro to remove camera rigs from a 360 scene will be one application of mocha in the VR space.

While at the Boris booth I bumped into Roger Bolton of CoreMelt. We all know CoreMelt has integrated mocha technology in their Track X / Slice X products but Roger also has a new tool in LUTx which is an all-around LUT toolbox for FCPX.

LUTx is the latest CoreMelt tool to hit Final Cut Pro X.















Roger also talked with us about an upcoming product that sounds to be one of his most intriguing tools to date: a denoising tool. Denoting options are currently few and far between so I’ll let Roger talk about this upcoming product as well as where his products currently stand with Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

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