Artemis Prime is a lens-mounted director’s viewfinder like none I’ve ever seen. Chemical Wedding, the company behind Artemis Prime and Helios Pro, built upon the Emmy Award-winning Artemis Director’s Viewfinder app to make Artemis Prime the only Director’s Finder able to use any lens mount (PL, LPL, PV, SP70). To take it even further the Artemis Prime can take any lens, spherical or anamorphic, of any squeeze ratio, and show you the shot on virtually any and all camera formats, film and digital. Yea, Artemis Prime is the prime selection of Director Viewfinders. Check out the details from the NAB 2019 show floor.
This is equal parts simplicity and complexity. Once one looks at and uses the Artemis Prime director’s viewfinder you understand its usefulness immediately then you realize how complex the work behind the Artemis Prime wizardry may be to keep the device so simple. Designed by a cinematographer, Artemis Prime was built to enhance the collaboration on set by offering a visual, comprehensive method to view, plan and refine framing, lighting and color choices in a way everyone can quickly see and understand.
The Mark II version is now available for all formats including Full Frame cameras (DXL, LF, Venice and Monstro), with an XL version for use with ARRI Alexa 65. In short, users may choose from 6,500 camera formats. Mount any lens you like on the Artemis Prime director’s viewfinder and you can be off showing your collaborators your vision.
Artemis Prime is similar to a traditional lens mounted viewfinder but mixed with modern iPad computing power. Simply pop a PL or PV lens on the front and choose which format you wish to view and… well, it’s that simple. No changing of ground glasses, no need for specific finders for anamorphic lenses: one viewfinder to cover your all your needs on formats.
Artemis Prime is constructed out of high-grade alloys, exotic composites, and with high specification optics. The internal element performs functions never before seen in motion picture equipment. The internal optical components are protected by an outer shell that is easily replaced if damaged.

Artemis Prime Key Features

- Covers all Super 35mm, Large Format spherical & anamorphic formats
- Interchangeable lens mount (PL & PV)
- User configurable frame line markings
- Exposure and LUT emulations
- Virtual stand-in actors and props
- Image store and video recording
- Broadcast picture to on-set monitors and devices
- Software-based pre-viz tools