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NAB 2023: Miller Cine Line Tripods Updated At NAB Show

NAB 2023: Miller Cine Line Tripods Updated At NAB Show 1

Ah, balance. While it might be hard to find at NAB, considering the number of events and gatherings…it’s something very important to the world of Miller Tripods and their Cine Line Tripods.

Jump into the Miller Tripod updates, including the Cinx9 and the new Versa Plate, straight from the NAB Show floor courtesy of Cinematographer Kenny McMillan and Miller Rep Mark Clementson. And be sure to guess the age of the golden tripod!

Brand New Miller Tripods with Awesome Features: CinX, SkyX and More // NAB 2023

Miller Tripods has updated their website with the press releases on CinX, Versa Plate, and SkyX8.

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