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NAB 2011 – Arri Announcements

NAB 2011 - Arri Announcements 10

NAB 2011 - Arri Announcements 1

Some quick notes from Arri’s Monday press conference, plus some from-the-floor photos.

Arri L-series LED Fresnels: serious Arri-quality lighting with LEDs. Fully splashproof/dustproof; upgradeable light engines (since LEDs are doubling in intensity every 3-4 years).

An L-series LED light on the show floor.

Regarding Alexa: “some companies try to tell you that what matters is the number of pixels. It’s just not true: it’s how the image looks.”

Alexa was just the beginning: Alexa Plus (wireless remote control, LDS [Arri Lens Data System], etc.) RCU-4 remote, Arriraw 2880×1620 12-bit log raw with Codex or s.two OB-1. Partnerships with Codex ($21K Arriraw recorder); cmotion cvolution lens controllers which communicate with Alexa Plus.

The RCU-4 remote replicates the Alexa’s control panel functionality.

An Alexa with a 45-250mm Alura zoom and a piggybacked Codex Digital recorder.

The Codex recorder enables Arriraw recording at 2880×1620.

The recorder has its own detachable remote.

Alexa software 3.1 to support LDS, RCU-4, dual-card recording, Arriraw single frames. June, 4.0: audio playback, peaking, etc.

Anamorphic desqueeze as a paid add-on for 2x and 1.33x squeeze ratios.

Arri Wireless Remote System (WRS) white radio upgrade (current Arri WRS systems use the “yellow radio” third-party module, which is no longer being made).

Sneak peeks:

Alexa high speed 60-120fps ProRes422HQ at full sensor width, paid-for feature, available in the fall.

Alexa Studio (optical VF swappable with EVF, full 4×3 sensor area usable for 2x anamorphic); Dec 2011, €92,900.

Alexa Studio camera with 110mm Hawk anamorphic lens.

Alexa M (modular), a block-camera version for 3D rigs, cramped spaces, etc.; fiber-optic link to main body, 5 lbs weight, price TBD. Cameron – Pace Group (CPG; you know, the guys who did “Avatar”) working with Arri on Alexa M 3D development.

Two Alexa M camera blocks on a 3D mirror rig.

Also: Arri support plates for AF100, Canon and Nikon DSLRs; MMB-2 matte box system for small and lightweight cameras, with handgrips included. Dedicated support kits for Panasonic 3DA1 and AF100, Sony F3, Canon and Nikon DSLRs!

Alexa, well done: it was engulfed in a battery fire, and still makes pictures.

FTC Disclosure

I’m attending NAB 2011 on a press pass, which saves me the registration fee or the bother of using one of the many free registration codes offered by vendors. I’m paying for my own transport, meals, and hotel.

No material connection exists between myself and the National Association of Broadcasters and/or Arri; aside from the press pass, neither NAB nor Arri has influenced me with any compensation to encourage favorable coverage.

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