Possible DAM case studies for your blog
Some interesting and informative case studies from http://www.netx.net/
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in NY is using NetXposure to create a centralized image repository that is saving the museum about $200,000 annually in production costs. MoMA is also linking NetXposure DAM with their Collections Management System to make the legacy database more useful and to preserve MoMA’s original investment.
Case study at http://www.netx.net/pdf-new/momaSS-FINAL.pdf
Gresham Smith and Partners, a leading architecture and design firm, needed a way to store and streamline access to thousands of design photos, images and planning documents. The firm is integrating NetXposure DAM into its DelTek Vision project management software. Case study at: http://www.netx.net/pdf-new/gs-pSS-FINAL.pdf
Catalina Marketing, (NYSE: POS) the world leader in point of sale behavior-based marketing solutions, is using NetXposure to support the delivery of targeted, in-store color promotion coupons to grocery retail consumers at point of sale. Using NetXposure, Catalina can track how consumers react to particular pictures, colors and graphic: Case study: http://www.netx.net/pdf-new/catalinaSS-FINAL.pdf