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Outlining The Market Potential For Vendors In The Digital Media Workflow

Frost & Sullivan’s research on the Digital Media market spanning the past decade and the entire value chain from content acquisition down to content delivery shows the market accounting for billions of dollars in 2008. Just the storage and media asset management components togetherachieved $6.5 billion in global revenues for 2008. The storage and content management markets are expected to grow at a combined CAGR of 13% through 2014 despite a significant dip in 2009 due to longer sales cycles caused by the economic slowdown.

Adding in the professional services and SI components, this market balloons to over $10 billion in 2008 and is expected to more that double its size by 2014 at a CAGR of 11%. The result has been a field day for system integrators (SIs) and vendors who have jumped on the opportunity to provide a solution for the missing glue that would bind such disparate and siloed workflow components seamlessly into a comprehensive, efficient and profitable tool.

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