John Galt (Panavision) and Larry Thorpe (Canon), two well respected industry veterans, gave along talk at the Hollywood Post Alliance about how to really understand what is going on in digital cameras. It went over so well they revised & expanded it and did another one at Panavision, entitled Demystifying Digital Camera Specifications. This is looooooong, but HIGHLY recommended if you want to really understand what is going on. As a Red owner, I couldn’t help but notice that the press release mentioned something about “pixels aren’t resolution,” which is true, but clearly a response to the Red One’s 4K resolution. I haven’t had a chance to watch them all yet, so I can’t fairly state whether there is an agenda at work (it would be somewhat fair to presume that Panavision and Canon cameras won’t be looked on TOO unkindly), but these two guys are well known and respected, and have been doing this stuff for a long time. Chime in with comments about your take on it all – I’m prepping for a big client demo, no time to watch today…
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