Glitches, damage, flickers, & distortions in After Effects & Premiere Pro
Art of the Cut with Joe Walker on “Sicario”
This is a deep-dive of “Art of the Cut” editing wisdom from Joe Walker. I first spoke to Joe...
Wipster says goodbye to traditional pricing structure
We’ve showcased how many review and approval options are available for video pros, but Wipster’s solution is one that...
Locating Libraries with Smart Folders
This week on MacBreak Studio, I show Steve Martin from Ripple Training how you can use a feature in...
Microsoft Surface Book: is it really twice as fast?
Microsoft has released their Surface Book laptop, dubbed the “MacBook Pro Killer” by some in the press.
REVIEW – Titler Pro 4 for AVX from NewBlueFX
If you’re a Media Composer editor, and you haven’t checked out Titler Pro 4, you’re missing out on one...
After Effects Hidden Gems Weekly: Basic Behaviors
When Apple first released Motion, it introduced a new animation paradigm: instead of having to keyframe the start and...
Media Composer 101 – Lesson 13 – Import Settings Part 2 – Graphic Imports
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe continues his look at importing in Avid Media Composer, and gets specific about...
Art of the Cut: The Martian with Cheryl Potter
A follow-up to my interview with 2-time Oscar winning editor, Pietro Scalia and “The Martian.” To dive deeper into workflows, project...
Media Composer 101 – Best of Free – MPEG Streamclip
In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers another question that was asked in the “Avid Editors of Facebook” group...
Exclusive details around the newly released style effects libraries and textured overlays from Rampant Design
Some pretty cool news went out today as Rampant Design announced they were releasing Rampant Motion Graphics for Editors...
Fast Grade Versioning in DaVinci Resolve
In this episode of DaVinci Resolve in Under 5 Minutes, Alexis Van Hurkman will show you how to quickly...
From iMovie iOS to Final Cut Pro X
This week on MacBreak Studio, Steve Martin from Ripple Training shows us how we can use iMovie for iOS...
Filmmaking first loves and first times
On episode #4 of Radio Film School, host Ron Dawson takes his audience down memory lane to recount some...
After Effects Hidden Gems Weekly: the Transform effect
One of the secrets to truly learning After Effects is understanding its internal render order (sometimes called the “order...