Kicking the tires on Snow Leopard and doing some edit work too
The Centrica Carnivale part 3
In part 2 we looked at the creation and animation of the “racing waiters” scene… one award done but...
The Centrica Carnivale part 2
In Part 1 we looked at the initial client brief, the pitch animation, and ended up creating some flashing...
Introducing the Centrica Carnivale
3D or AE? How about 3D using AE! At the beginning of 2006 I created a conference opener for...
Battle of the audio track deletion batchers
Just the other day I posted links to VideoToolshed, a resource for a number of handy software utilities gear...
VideoToolshed releases FcpReconnect to aid in media management
We all know Final Cut Pro’s media management capabilities aren’t its strongest feature. The guys over at VideoToolshed have... revamped as a comprehensive script destination site
Lloyd Alvarez, creator of as well as some of the most useful After Effects scripts available, released a...
Use Encore to Create Flash Web Pages
I am not a web geek. I am a video professional who realizes how important the web is to...
Kicking the tires on Final Cut Pro 7
By now anyone who has ever heard of Final Cut Pro has heard that Apple shipped Final Cut Pro...
New Final Cut Studio
Today Apple announced an update to its Final Cut Studio pro apps suite. Info on Apple’s site: Ripple...
CineForm CineDDR is an HDCAM SR for the masses?
CineForm recently announced its new CineDDR product. What exactly is CineDDR? I’m still trying to wrap my head around...
Subtleties of the Slate video
Subtleties of the Slate from Inspiration Studios on Vimeo. Here’s a fun little video from Vimeo called Subtleties of...
PAR for the Course
Over the years, I have seen a lot of folklore and bad math employed to determine how to work...
Take the Adobe Non-Linear Editing Software Survey
Adobe has recently posted an online survey about non-linear editing software. The link was floating around Twitter and it’s...
Avid has their own pan and zoom tools as well
I recently pointed out three plug-in tools for performing “Ken Burns” style pan and zoom effects on still images...