After Effects CS5
![After Effects CS5 1 ae5_00_box_main.jpg](
Adjustable Final Cut Pro Master Templates
On this MacBreak Studio episode, I show Steve Martin a fantastic trick from fellow Motion Guru Patrick Sheffield’s new...
Oscar winning animated short Logorama
Logorama from Marc Altshuler – Human Music on Vimeo. Yesterday the word went around Twitter that the 2010 Oscar...
Editor porn from the Winter Olympics
2010 Winter Olympics Recap – Avid / Pow! Pix from BoB Coon on Vimeo. Here’s a great piece of...
Fun stuff for your edit suite
If you have your own edit suite then you might already have the aeron chair or a Wacom graphics...
Now you can SEE in HD
I remember seeing this on late night tv, in a 30 minute infomercial. I thought … that would make...
The Editblog is a top 50 blog for Moviemakers according to MovieMaker
I was happy to see that MovieMaker magazine has named the Editblog as one of the 50 Best Blog...
Local television commercials don’t all have to be bad
There was a post on Autoblog recently about a Cincinnati Ohio area Kia dealer’s commercial spot. It uses a...
Edit suite etiquette and sharing your space
If you’re a working editor out in the world, chances are you freelance or you are on staff at...
Adobe and Avatar- How it Was Made Video
I wasn’t really aware of Adobe’s involvement in Avatar until just today. If you hit up their main Creative...
After Effects, ProRes, and Gamma Shifts
Adobe’s yeoman After Effects documentation guru Todd Kopriva maintains a highly useful blog over on Today he just...
Controversial History Channel “WWII in HD” debate – THE TRUTH
?The History Channel’s WW2 in HD series has created a firestorm of debate over archival methods. If you read...
Apple’s new iFrame codec implementation
So recently Apple released specs on a new video format they are calling iFrame. What is it, and how...
Speech Search Meets ScriptSync
Anybody remember that classic commercial for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? “Hey! You got peanut butter on my chocolate! No!...
Free Newsletter Preview
For the past several months we’ve been publishing a monthly electronic newsletter, each typically containing 3-5 articles by PVC...