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Predicting Sentiment in Advance

Martin’s Fulcrum Musings: Predicting Sentiment in Advance.

There are now a number of tools that monitor social networks looking at:

Therefore, if I make blog post or tweet, mytopic andsentiments will be captured by automated systems, analyzed and reported. There are some pretty sophisticated tools being used by Marketers, and while some are free, others are quite expensive. However, as a recent blog post noted: “A technology glitch demonstrates how fragile marketing measurement technology reallyis.” That said, let’s assume they’ll get better or this Technorati glitch was atypical.

I can also manually get sometrend information usingGoogle trends for example looking at ‘ECM’ over time: However, the information on ECM is too sparse, and there is too much ‘contamination’ with other definitions of ECM, such as Engine Control Management.

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