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proDAD® Debutes ProDrenalin™ Action Camera Enhancement Application and Updates Mercalli® Standalone


proDAD® Debutes ProDrenalin™ Action Camera Enhancement Application and Updates Mercalli® Standalone 1proDAD, the highly acclaimed developer of digital video effects and image enhancement technologies today announced ProDrenalin, a revolutionary all-in-one software application for GoPro action/sports camera users to significantly improve their videos by removing fisheye & perspective distortion, stabilizing, correcting rolling-shutter distortion, de-noising, color correction, and adjusting the brightness & contrast of the video – all in a single effective, affordable application with batch processing capability.  The famous Mercalli Stand Alone (SAL) professional video stabilizer moves to Version 3 with automatic stabilization profile selection, batch processing, and support for 4K & 2.7K video clips.

 ProDrenalin – The essential tool to make GoPro videos even better.

 GoPro Hero action cameras are billed as the world’s most versatile cameras and they are becoming increasingly popular among consumers and video professionals.  proDAD’s new ProDrenalin action camera enhancement software gives users the ability to optimize their videos prior to sharing them or bringing into a video editor.  ProDrenalin is a stand-alone Windows application.

ProDrenalin’s Key Features:

Mercalli V3 Stand Alone Video Stabilizer – The industry standard gets even better.

Also new is a major update to the stand-alone version of the Mercalli video stabilizer application; the professional-grade stabilizer relied upon by video pros all over the world.  New Mercalli V3 SAL contains a host of oft-requested improvements including:

 “ProDrenalin is the first application of its kind – a full-spectrum image enhancement tool that can improve just about every aspect of video shot on a GoPro camera.” Said Andreas Huber, Managing Director of proDAD.  “Users can focus on enjoying their adventures and capturing the action knowing ProDrenalin can polish things later.”

 Price & Availability

ProDrenalin will be available beginning in May for $49.00 from the proDAD online shop, and there is a pre-order special price of $35.00 available now until the product begins shipping.  Mercalli V3 SAL is available now for an introductory price of $149.00 from the proDAD online shop.  Mercalli V2 SAL users can upgrade to V3 for $40.00.  Older Mercalli Expert V1 users can upgrade to Mercalli V3 SAL for $80.00. Learn more at

OEM Licensing

Many of proDAD’s image enhancement technologies including stabilization, image de-warping, de-noising; and proDAD’s renown digital video effects library are available in SDK form for OEM licensing and inclusion into a wide-range of hardware/software solutions.  Inquiries are welcome via email:

About proDAD:

proDAD develops and distributes innovative video effects solutions for creative video editing and multimedia applications. Founded in 1990, the company serves the international market with numerous renown, and award winning products including Adorage® and VitaScene® video effects products, Heroglyph® video titling, and Mercalli® video stabilization + rolling-shutter correction plug-ins.  proDAD cooperates, on the developmental level, with leading creative software developers including Adobe, Apple, AVID, COREL, Grass Valley, MAGIX, and Sony. proDAD’s headquarters are situated in the southwestern German town of Immendingen, Germany, and maintains branch offices in the US and Japan.

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