One Man, One Vote
Audio Gear from Edirol
Richard Harrington takes a look at audio gear from Edirol, a division of Roland, at the ’08 New Media...
Font Resources
We love fonts. We rank font selection right up there with choice of music and color scheme when it...
Too Much Data!
I’m going into a RED shoot this weekend and I’ve realized my hard drives are full. Now what? Also,...
TED Talk: The Power and Beauty of Organic Design
The annual TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) conference is a place where Big Thinkers gather annually to inspire and...
After Effects Tips – Installment 2
Here is a second installment of random tips for working more productively with Adobe After Effects CS3, including the...
Migrating After Effects Between Macs
With the recent announcement by Adobe that After Effects CS4 will not run on PowerPC-based Macs, some users are...
The Secret of P2 Slating
Yesterday I shot a political spot with Simon Sommerfeld, a friend who saved the day after I pitched the...
The Magic of Conform in Soundtrack Pro 2
One problem that audio engineers run into all the time is sneaky editors who make changes to their “locked”...
AJA Io HD drivers updated
AJA has released version 6.0 drivers for the Io HD, AJA’s external video I/O box and format converter connected...
After Effects Tips – Installment 1
In contrast to the columns and tutorials we’ve been posting so far in CMG Keyframes, we thought it would...
Composition Occurs in both Space and Time
I first became aware of composition over time while watching the film The Hit. There’s a scene where two...
The Olympics
I was lucky enough to have attended the first week of the Beijing Olympics and all I can say...