RED Highlight Clipping: Solved?
Toon Boom Releases Storyboard 1.5 and Storyboard Pro 1.5
Emmy award-winning Toon Boom Animation Inc. announced the release of both Storyboard and Storyboard Pro 1.5 today. In addition...
RED ONE Build 14 Latitude Tests
RED ONE Build 14 Latitude Tests My goal was to see if RED’s 5000k chip is limited in exposure...
Three three-letter cameras: EX1, F23, RED
On March 7th, Tim Blackmore and I visited Videofax, a San Francisco camera rental house. Videofax is unique in...
It’s All Up to Me Now
My quest for digital truth took me to a little known corner of the world, a private spot where...
RED vs. Ace Hardware I was shooting some exposure tests with a RED and I turned my tungsten reference light off to...
Pasting Paths from Illustrator to After Effects
So what’s so interesting about a feature we’ve had for eons? We all know you can copy and paste...
Exporting stills from FCP
I recently had a chance to compare the PMW-EX1 with a RED and an F23 (about which, more will...
On Article on Color Management in After Effects
Every month, we write a Tips N Tricks article for our friends at This month we’ve written an...
PMW-EX1: XDCAM Transfer 2.5.1 for Mac Released
Sony has released XDCAM Transfer 2.5.1, software used to import XDCAM clips into QuickTime and Final Cut Pro. This...
Adobe Soundbooth sale; new audio blog
Adobe is showing signs that they are becoming increasingly serious about their audio offerings: – Adobe is offering their...
Staggering Mistakes: Reversing Field Order
The two most-watched cable channels in our household are CNN and Speed (guess who watches which). Speed just started...
Red One Unboxing – Part 1
Fedex delivered my Red, #417, on Monday to my friend’s house since I was out of town (as pre-arranged...
Final Effects Complete version 5: Why?
Final Effects was pretty much the original third-party plug-in set available for After Effects. It was created by a...
Petrol Introduces Mini Camera Accessory Bag
Effective: February 28, 2008 Petrol, a Vitec Group brand, introduces the Petrol Mini Camera Accessory Bag. This new semi-rigid...