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"Personal Social Media Presence Curator"

What happens as marketing gets truly interactive?

More thoughts from SXSW on emerging media and its implications. The next wave of innovation will almost certainly happen as “the internet leaves the internet” said Patrick Moorhead (Razorfish) during the panel onemerging media innovation during a recession. Mobile devices will play a key role in facilitating this innovation according to Ron Gonda & Juan-Carlos Morales (Sapient) and Ryan Stuart (Adobe) in their panel ontrends in mobile technology. My takeaway is these trends are likely to dramatically alter where, how, what and to whom we market products and services in the near future – and, most importantly, why we do it.

Moorhead and co-presenter Daniel Polinchock (Brand Experience Lab) highlighted developments in play today that they predict we won’t be able to live without tomorrow. Examples includeQR codesplaced on clothing that allow you to take a picture and, say, get the Facebook profile of the person wearing the code on his t-shirt. (Sounds like “Personal Social Media Presence Curator” might be a good career opportunity in the near future). Life broadcasting in real time. Ordering and paying for items via RFID tags and cell phones. Visual search and the move toward finding items through image recognition (e.g., on You can now take a picture of a logo with your iPhone and the company website appears on your screen.

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