ART OF THE CUT with Walter Murch, ACE, on editing “Coup 53”
Walter Murch, ACE is one of the few editors where saying his name is enough to let you know...
PVC Podcast Eps 11: Adobe’s NEW Premiere Pro “Productions” Group Edit Feature, Sony FX9 and Canon C500 Mark II Reviews!
Welcome back! This week we have a bit of a different podcast. In the first half of this episode,...
Productions: a new workflow coming to Adobe Premiere Pro
This is an unexpected little Adobe Premiere Pro related news drop that comes right out of the Sundance Film...
A decade in review at the Editblog
As 2019 winds down it’s hard to believe that another decade is in the books. Thinking about that recently...
Review: Lumberjack Builder for Adobe Premiere Pro
If you’re an editor who has to work with a lot of interviews where you need transcripts, then there...
Careful updating to Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 and keeping your older Premiere versions installed
With the new update of the Adobe video apps I think its worth a reminder to be careful when... affordable, fast transcription for Adobe Premiere Pro
Launching at Adobe MAX Conference, the new from axle ai is a leap forward for fast, accessible transcription...
The November 2019 release of Adobe Premiere Pro and the other Adobe Video Apps is here
It’s Monday of Adobe MAX 2019 so that must mean new and cool stuff for the Adobe video tools....
Free this week? Enter one of these two editing contests and maybe win some prizes
I’m a bit late in posting this article but up and coming editors (or editors without anything to do...
Watchtower – Automatically load media into your Premiere Pro or After Effects bins
I’ve always thought that one of the most useful features a non-linear editing tool could add would be watch...