After Effects Classic Course: Work Faster, Not Harder
One of the things we loved about After Effects is that the team was constantly searching for ways to...
Tracking in Mocha: The must-have 2020 skill upgrade
Editors, mograph artists, and VFX artists all need to track objects. What if in 20 minutes you could learn...
After Effects Classic Course: 3D Camera Tricks
After Effects CS4 saw a pair of updates that made it easier to manipulate and keyframe its 3D camera....
After Effects Classic Course: Cartoon Effect, Bilateral Blur, and Turbulent Noise
A major part of After Effects has always been its effects plug-ins. It used to be common for new...
After Effects Classic Course: Wiggle Transform for Shape Layers
For the next few months, we’re going to be working our way through various “new features” courses we created...
The top 7 After Effects scripts you should be using
Ever get that feeling while working in After Effects that you’re doing things the slow way? Enter the magic...
After Effects Classic Course: Extended Vignette Techniques (part 3)
A potential problem with creating a vignette to focus the viewer’s attention on an area of the frame: What...
After Effects Classic Course: Extended Vignette Techniques (part 2)
A couple of weeks ago, we started talking about creating vignettes to subtly focus the viewer’s attention where you...
DUIK Bassel: The Premiere Animation Toolkit for Mograph Artists
If you’re an After Effects artist toying with the idea of creating character-driven animation, the free but powerful DUIK...
After Effects Classic Course: Extended Vignette Techniques (part 1)
In both video editing and motion graphics, the goal is to focus the viewer’s attention in a certain place...