Video Recorder/Monitor Announced By Blackmagic
A New Video assist annouced to go with the Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera. It’s about the size of a...
Micro Studio Camera 4K Released by Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic just announced what has got to be one of the smallest live broadcast capable 4K camera out there....
New Viewfinder for the Blackmagic URSA
Guess what? No more screen reflections when using your Blackmagic URSA outside. Plus, the viewfinder is 1080 x 1920...
Blackmagic Releases The Micro Cinema Camera
The Pocket Cinema Camera just got a whole lot smaller and easier to use.
Blackmagic URSA PL Review
The Blackmagic URSA should be a great camera. It boasts a 10 inch built-in monitor, 80FPS in 3:1 4K,...
Blackmagic Studio Camera Review
Without a doubt, the Blackmagic Studio Camera is a niche camera with a dominating monitor and Super 16mm sized...
Review: The 4K Blackmagic Production Camera
Blackmagic’s New 4K Production Camera is here and I have been shooting with it as soon as I could...
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera Review
Seven days… I had the camera for exactly seven days. Just seven days to take the little camera through...