Blender 2.8: A Maya killer for free?
Last week we took a brief look at the news that Autodesk had released an affordable Indie version of...
2019: The year of affordable 3D
With the announcement of Maya Indie and the release of user-friendly Blender 2.8, the democratization of high-end 3D animation...
CG Blood
CG Blood Simulating blood dripping with X-Particles.
Unreal Engine: free VFX Master Class in LA
The free course covers building and optimizing CG worlds for real-time performance and takes participants on a journey through...
Cinema 4D helped shape Blade Runner 2049
Computer graphics are so predominant in modern days filming we tend to take CG for granted and present everywhere....
Modern Tarzan has CG hippos and crocodiles
The new Tarzan movie from Warner Bros. is a film about the return of the hero to the jungle,...