Quicktips 2011 Day 05: Change Sequence Timecode in Media Composer 5
Prior to Avid Media Composer 5.0 if you wanted to change the sequence timecode of an edit you hit...
Quicktips 2011 Day 04: Save a comment specific column layout in FCP
When you’re using the View as List setting in a Final Cut Pro bin there are several columns that...
Quicktips 2011 Day 03: Scrub the FCP thumbnail column thumb
There’s a thumbnail column with the Final Cut Pro browser. Call that column up and you can then scrub...
Constructing a helmet cam
Stillmotion has a blog post up with info on how they pulled together a makeshift DSLR helmet camera for...
Quicktips 2011 Day 02: Manifesto title tool can spell check
One thing that’s always seemed to be missing out of the built-in Final Cut Pro title tool, as well...
28 Days of Quicktips Coming Again for 2011 + reader Quicktips
February 1 UPDATE: KPL Production Services has added their timecode calculators for iOS devices to the reader submitted Quicktips...
Quicktips 2011 Day 01: Apply multiple FCP bin comments at once
This is one of my favorite little gems when logging clips in Final Cut Pro. When using list view...
CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 9 – Blending Modes
As you are probably aware by now, we’re going through our book Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects 5th...
“Why 3D Doesn’t Work and Never Will”
While a large portion of both the media creation and consumption industries gear up to produce and support 3D...
CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 8 – Motion Blur and More
As you are probably aware by now, we’re going through our book Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects 5th...